Do you love Crossword Do you search Word game like Crossword Puzzle Game Quiz ? That containt Quiz and Crossword .Crossword is in top game word in google play . Now its for you this application Crossword Quiz is exclusivity in google play , it have a great popular in lots country in the world like morocco search in google play this application " وصلة " we have + one million users ,players and + 175,000 review 5 stars so what you waiting ?A crossword is a word puzzle that takes the form of a rectangular grid shaded squares.This application is quiz games containt all kind of questions ( politics, sport, art, movies, music, country and continent , city , games, informatique , etc..... ) . The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words, by solving index which conduct to the answers.Brush up your brain with this simple and addictive game and improve your English vocabulary. Its never been so easy to learn a new language. Crossword is an adventure to learn more by a simple way, it’s also amazing to develope your knowledge.Features :-All score are saved-Lots levels -All kind questions ( politics, sport, art, movies, music, country and continent , city , games, informatique , etc..... ) -Support all devices is quiz game for tablet and phone .So what you waiting ? Lets go to playing Crossword Quiz and to active your brain to find the answers .